Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Artist's Website


At the top of the webpage is an introduction to the website telling the viewer what the website is actually for in this case finding out the latest news about Alesha Dixon weather its about her singing, dancing, acting or tv presenting career. It also shows Alesha Dixon's latest music video releases and photo shoots. 
The website promotes the artist in several ways, firstly, it includes the artist's videos and songs from several different albums. This makes it easier for the viewers to listen to Alesha Dixon's songs of her albums, that may or may not yet be singles, before buying them.
On the webpage there is a list of events and celebrities Alesha Dixon has been associated with so the viewers are able to follow the shows she stars in, for example Britain's Got Talent. 
She also has a direct link to her Twitter page, this an important aspect of promotion because the viewers are able to follow her and keep up to date with her life. 

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