Friday, 29 November 2013

5th day of Filming!

Filming day 5, so things are getting intense now and evryones getting stressed as were coming close to the deadline.
On this day we wanted to get as much filming as possible, we had to wait ill it got dark in order to film our night scenes. in this session we tons of filming done of myself and Umars scenes.
We went two different locations we filmed at waterloo staion, in front of the london eye and also at milennium bridge to shoot our ending scene
we made sure we shot as many shot ypes we could in each location.
we first started with Umar of him in coming our of the train station then we shot sceneces of him walking around southbank, shots of he feet the side of his, from the back this was in order to make sure we keep the suspense gowing till the end the of the music video were we finally reveal who he is.
Here are some images of where we filmed umar.

Then we started to film my scenes and these scenes were in front of the london eye, in between trees which had blue lights over, we had to have a lot of light to make sure shots came out bright therefore we took a dedo light. We filmes many shot types, wide shots, medium long shots and close ups
It went really i became much more comfortable and perfomed a lot better i knew all the lyrics really well which made it so much easier, even thugh there was a lot of people i didnt let it bother me.
We also filmed some more scenes under the milenium bridge of me singing so we would have enough footage to edit, the water and St Pauls cathedral in the backroung made the scene look really nice.
Here are some mre images of my scenes.

Lastly at the end we filmed the ending scene with me and Umar, this was the part werre we would finally reveal the face of our 'myster character' and show where his journey is ending and if hes found his love that his been searching for. however we decded to end the video with a cliffhanger as when we reveal his face he looks back it finishes therefore from the audienece perpective we dont know whether she sees him and if they find eachother.

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